Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 4 Your Sibling

30 days, 30 letters

Day 4, My sibling......

That would be my wonderful, sometimes not so wonderful big sister Chanelle. I love her soooo much. I can come to her with anything and everything. We've been through a lot together as a family and although we fight sometimes like normal sisters do, we always have each others back. It sucks that she's at school now and I don't have a valid drivers licence. Whatever, I'll visit her with the fam until October 29. Basically, She's my sister and my bestfriend. Love you smelly nelle, chanel, no.5, Chanaynay hahaha ♥ Chanelle

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 3 Your Parents

30 days, 30 letters

I missed a few fays, whoops. I'm doing this on my own time.

Day 3, My parents......

Well lets start with my father. He isn't around. My parents divorced when I was 2. My dad is an asshole and an alcoholic, end of story. I'm not gonna turn this into an after school special. Now my stepmom is just crazy fucked up in the head. I almost got arrestedand she took me to get my nails done.....Anyway, I live with my mom and my stepdad. My mom and I have a werd relationship. I love her to death and I know she loves me but we fight like there's no tomorrow. It gets brutal, never really physical, but we tear each other apart. We do have our moments though. I am working on my relationship with my mom now that I'm clean. I put her through a lot. Moving on, my stepdad and I don't really talk...It's weird. He's been in my life since I was little and I love him and he's done a lot for the family but I don't know. He's just a very quiet person haha. That is gonna be worked on too. Blah Blah Blah.. I love my parents ♥

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 2 Your Crush

30 Days, 30 Letters

Day 2, My "Crush"......

Personally I hate the word crush. It is a term used by Junior high age children who are first noticing the opposite sex. You either have feelings for someone or you don't. This is a complicated topic for me right now. Before this person left to go what feels like a bajillion miles away, we got really close. I'm not gonna be a sap, I'll keep all that crap to myself. Like I said, it's complicated.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 1 Your Bestfriend

30 Days, 30 Letters

Day 1, My bestfriend....

I have a few people I call my best friend. It's hard for me to trust people but these three broke my walls.

One of them I have known my whole life. We were in the same day care/preschool and have been friends since. The two of us have been through so much together. Honestly, I wouldn't be the same person I am today without her.

Now on to the next. This one is craaaazy, but in a good way. She is my rock. She is there for me through thick and thin. She put up with all my bullshit and babysat me through the worst of my using days. I've never become so close with someone so quickly. It's been almost a year but I feel like we've been friends for a lifetime. She is my other half and I love her to death ♥

And last but not least there is my closest guy friend. I have known him for only a short time but he is like my big brother. He helps me when I'm down, and he's always looking out for me. He's got my back and I got his. Although he is like 8 years older.....We get each other. We are silly and crazy, but hey we are addicts.

I Love these three more than anything ♥

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Over the Moooon

When I was little people told me the moon was made of cheese. That's a cool thought but I wouldn't wanna eat that cheese because it would be some glowing mutant cheese if it lights up the world at night. What is with full moons and stupid people? I have witnessed plenty of times, people driving like craaaaaazy when it is a full moon. I just don't get it. I really don't know anything about the moon other than I see it at night. I think I should be educated on the moon. I love looking at the moon and the stars at night. It sucks that you can't really see the stars here. That's why we can pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars

American Idol D:

It's finally over! I am happy for Lee that he won and all, but I really have no interest in American Idol and all the hype about Lee. It is a great opportunity for musicians who need a break, like Lee, to get a chance at stardom. I'm just glad it's all over and it doesn't take me 15 extra minutes to get to where I'm going because there is a huge party for Lee in downtown Mount Prospect, Which happens to be 4 blocks from my house....AWESOME D: Now that it is over everyone can move on with their lives.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Sooo, I have nothing to blog about so I am going to ramble about, i don't know, something.

I like talking better than blogging because stuff just comes into my head better when I talk.  But since I HAVE to blog for points, here are some thoughts I had about our discussion this morning:

1.  How do we know what the truth really is if words are just symbolism for the truth?
I mean, what is the truth? Will Anyone really know? Because what you think is the truth, is your perspective of the truth, so there is no absolute truth.

This makes my brain hurt... D: But it's kinda cool. People say honesty is the best policy, but in the end, its really your own perception......

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bucket List

Although I am only 17 years young, I decided to make a bucket list. If you don't know what a bucket list is, it is a list of things you want to do before you die. I just started my list a few months ago so there isn't much, but I decided to share my list and maybe inspire someone else.
  • Go to Ireland
  • Adopt a Boxer
  • Plant a tree and watch it grow
  • Pay it forward
  • Get a cake from Charm City Cakes (ace of cakes)
  • Go on an African safari
Well that is my list and I hope you share yours!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Job ♥ !

I have a job!!! I am sooo excited. I will now be working with the Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association (NSSRA) as an inclusion companion. I will be working one to one with a child with special needs through the park district doing recreational activities.

Working with kids is something that I have wanted to do for a while, but recently  an interest has been sparked for children with special needs. Through service learning at school I have been working with a class of preschoolers with Autism at Ridge Family Centre for Learning. I have grown so attached to these kids and have had the opportunity to see them learn and grow. These kids have inspired me to continue on this path and pursue this as a career.

Thanks to all of those that helped me get this job!